…the range of products focused especially on proper supplementation of Nitrogen and  ENERGY in rumen, just as the other nutrients essential for maximum production of Microbial Protein (MbP).


Linaprotein is the essential building block of  nutrition for rumen microbes.


Linaprotein´s are distinguished by :

– major increasing of Methionin suplementation in intestine just as improvement of Methionin ratio to other aminoacids. 

– decreasing od Negative Energy Balance after calving and at the begining of lactation

– beneficial osmotic effect, i.e. retain the water in somatic cells (very important after calving and during the heat stress)

antistress effect  on cows

– increasing nutrients utilization from forage

– increasing  digestibility of fiber and dry matter intake  


Linaprotein´s are able to replace up to 50 % of soya meal or rapeseed meal in feed ration for high performance dairy cows.

And than neither soya or rape protein is not suitable „nitrogen fuel“ for rumen.  


The composition of every particular Linaprotein meet all requirements  needed for production of MbP in every particular farm.

We evaluate your feedstuffs, choose the suitable Linaprotein or produce special Linaprotein just only for you farm.


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